Friday, January 27, 2012

Where Have All My Spiders Gone?

Where Have All My Spiders Gone?

Where Have All My Spiders Gone?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fan of the Week - Jan 24, 2012

Fan of the Week - Jan 24, 2012

Congratulations! Lorraine Rowe, you are our Fan Of The Week at Stories My Nana Tells on Facebook.

You have won a beautiful skin care package from Seacret, Minerals From The Dead Sea.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Is Social Media Helping Or Hindering Your Productivity?

Is Social Media Helping Or Hindering Your Productivity?

My blog post for the 31 day January Challenge was a good opportunity to review how and when I am working with Social Media as I promote my personal social values and build my business networks. How is Social Media Helping You?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Channel 10 News Broadcast - #BlackCockatoo Starvation

Channel 10 News Broadcast - #BlackCockatoo Starvation

Channel 10 News Broadcast – #BlackCockatoo Starvation


Channel 10 News Broadcast

On Monday, Channel 10 responded to a Media Release issued by the Conservation Council of Western Australia (CCWA) drawing attention to the desperate plight of Western Australia’s black cockatoos – who are starving and in some cases, have suffered such degrees of malnutrition that they have to [Read more...]

FAN OF THE WEEK - Jan 17, 2012

FAN OF THE WEEK - Jan 17, 2012

Stories My Nana Tells has a new FAN OF THE WEEK! Is it you? Come on over to Stories My Nana Tells and share our news!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Black Cockatoos Are Starving In Western Australia

Black Cockatoos Are Starving In Western Australia


Today, I met Merlin, a young red tailed cockatoo who is being nurtured as an education bird at the Karrakin Cockatoo Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre in the hills of Perth. Black Cockatoo Recovery Centre

It is a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions when we wilfully allow our indigenous wildlife to be [Read more...]

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snap! Your Business Card, Sir!

Snap! Your Business Card, Sir!

2011 – The Year Of The App

2011 was the year of the app (application) on smart media like iPhone, iPad, Android and others, of that we have no doubt. From some diligent market research and asking the right questions on Twitter, Paul O’Mahony in Cork, Ireland has come up [Read more...]

Photos, Memories and Time.

Photos, Memories and Time.


Cats! A veritable lifetime of cats: Dim Sim, Muggins, Mao Tse Tung, Ten Sing Tung, Splinter, Amber, Lloyd, Kitten and others. Dogs! WACL, the black labrador, Choti the miniature dachshund and two Pepper dogs, (dalmations who were entirely different from one another) whose consecutive lives spanned more than 30 years. [Read more...]

Dark Words For A Dark Soul

Dark Words For A Dark Soul

“What can you say to pierce this dreaded black fog, when once it descends? No words prevail. Your hugs pain me as I seek only the agony of my solitude. Leave me. Let me lie, that I might ponder why I am worthy to live. To recall my unknown and [Read more...]

"Nice day, isn't it?" said the bobtail. "Now, get out of here!"

"Nice day, isn't it?" said the bobtail. "Now, get out of here!"


Her: ”Oh, it’s three o’clock already.”

Him: ”I haven’t noticed it yet. I wouldn’t say it’s hot.”

That’s how it can begin: another interchange of misunderstanding, frustration and if you are not too careful, harsh words that come from the exasperation of living with someone who is deaf, especially [Read more...]

How To Get 6,500 Facebook Fans For Free!

How To Get 6,500 Facebook Fans For Free!

Do You Know A Simple Way To Get 6,500 Facebook Fans?

Would you like to get 6,500 Facebook Fans to share your Facebook page with their friends? What do you think that might cost? How about being able to do that for FREE?

Your Facebook Fan page is intended to [Read more...]

Life's Amazing Family Circle - Part 1

Life's Amazing Family Circle - Part 1

The Youngest and the Oldest.

Today, my Dad’s youngest sister came to visit – to see her only surviving brother after his short stay in hospital last week. I am not allowed to call her Aunty Rae because she is only seven years old than me; she is 18 years [Read more...]

Life's Amazing Family Circle - Part II

Life's Amazing Family Circle - Part II

Part one of this series of blog posts can be found here: Life’s Amazing Family Circle – Part 1

30 years after 1941, when my Mum and Dad had a typical wartime honeymoon of a single night before my Dad was shipped off into the [Read more...]

To Tweet Or Not To Tweet - From Facebook

To Tweet Or Not To Tweet - From Facebook

Do you use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to build your business profile through Social Media? Finding more efficient ways to share your own posts with a wide range of social media sites is highly attractive, with the pressure to get the posts out to the widest audience possible in the [Read more...]

Walking and Talking With WIBWA

Walking and Talking With WIBWA

Networking is an excellent way to meet and get to know new people with whom you can share ideas, offer suggestions and get feedback on your business. It’s always great when you can do some networking in a new and interesting way and hats off to Jennifer Rose Bryant of[Read more...]

#FacebookTip - Announcing Winners!

#FacebookTip - Announcing Winners!

One of the things that is very important to understand about choosing to promote your business on Facebook with quizzes, competitions and even applications like FAN OF THE WEEK is that Facebook Terms Of Service specifically exclude using your Facebook page to announce the winners! [Read more...]