Monday, September 21, 2009

My Kununurra Adventure

This is my first trip to Kununurra, in the North West of the Kimberleys in Western Australia,  The adventure started as all adventures should - with a lot of hiccups.  The five day 4WD safari from Kununurra to Broome was cancelled the day before I left Perth so, the challenge was to get 1000 kms from Kununurra to Broome to fly home. 

Next challenge: to find an extra five nights accommodation in Kununurra, find something exciting to do and enjoy both ends of the adventure.

Next challenge: set up remote broadband with new computer so that I had contact with the outside world.

Next challenge: buy a new camera to replace the one that died on the plane on the way up to Kununurra.

So far, everything is working out fine.  Tomorrow (Tuesday) I am flying over the Bungle Bungles - flight brought forward from 9:00am to 6:00am because of the heat and air turbulance. Being picked up at 5:30am. 

Should get some great pictures on the new camera that I bought today in Kununurra.  It's charged and ready to go! During the day, I will probably spend some time in the pool! It is very hot up here,

Wednesday and Thursday, I am going on a 4WD safari for two days and a night, into the Bungle Bungles, the gorges and might be able to get a helicopter trip while I am there.  Had to go shopping for a torch, camping pillow, some trackie dacks and a top to sleep in (apparently it gets chilly out there) and a rug in lieu of a sleeping bag.  However, I will get a blow up mattress to sleep on, so I don't have to worry about digging a hip hole.  :-) 

Friday is organized with a day tour on Lake Argyle including a spectacular sunset - so I am really looking forward to that.

After the AFL Grand Final on Saturday (Go St Kilda!) it's on the Greyhound bus and off to Broome for a spot of whale watching and then home.  Watched the WAFL Grand Final yesterday too, but not so interesting for me, since Swan Districts didn't play this year.  South Fremantle are something else.

Last night, had an excellent dinner at the local tavern across the road from the Kimberley Croc Backpackers where I am staying and after dinner listened to some laid back reggae and the drummer playing a didgeroo that he made himself from a piece of timber he got in Kakadu.  Very cool guy.  Very cool night.

Can highly recommend Kimberley Croc Backpackers!  Great fun, very friendly and well appointed.  Next year will probably come back for the Great Toad Buster Safari and spend a few nights out in the bush, busting toads.  Couple of cute little geckos in my room, too.

Will upload some photos tomorrow, if I have got my internet stuff right.  Really hope to get that helicopter ride in, too.

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